For drivers

Having a Car

If you are driving a car in the Czech Republic, remember that you are obliged to follow Czech regulations. In this section, we will introduce practical tips for drivers, a highway sticker, a point system, registration of car, insurance and additional services regarding cars & driving.

Practical Tips for Car Drivers
  • While driving, it is compulsory to have a driving license with you, to be completely sober (ZERO tolerance for alcohol and drugs), to have your seatbelts fastened and the headlights turned on. It is forbidden to manipulate manually with the phone while driving.
  • POINT SYSTEM: In the Czech Republic, it is possible to lose the driving licence if you are breaking rules. There are fixed penalties which are applicable to foreigners too. For each violence of the rules you can get 2-7 penalty points. With 12 points the driving licence will be taken away from you (more information here).
  • Mandatory equipment: a warning triangle, first aid kit, reflective jacket, heaver*, key for changing the tyres*, spare tyre*.
    *Does not apply when you have a 24/7 assistance service that will provide the change of the tyres.
  • During winter (1 November – 31 March): It is compulsory to use winter tyres on your car. There are some exceptions, but it is recommended to have them during that time equipped.
  • BIKES: It is compulsory to wear a helmet until you are 18 years old, then it is only recommended; it is compulsory to have a light on when there are worse light conditions (night, mist, etc.). There is also ZERO alcohol tolerance for the cyclists, breaking this rule can lead to losing your car driving licence.
Highway Sticker

To use the highways, it is compulsory to have the “highway sticker” that you can buy at any gasoline shop. There are 4 types (for 1 day/ 10 days/1 month /1 year). Do not forget to fill in the registration number of your car. See a map of tolled sections. Since 2021, you can buy Electronic Vignette online.

Sticker type 1 day 10 days Month year
Fee CZK 210 CZK 290 CZK 460 CZK 2,440
How to Register an Imported Car with Foreign License Plates?

All owners of imported vehicles from EU/non-EU* countries are required to register their vehicles with the local municipality if they intend to stay in the Czech Republic for a period longer than 185 days. This not applies if you are intending to leave the EU every 6 months.
*only if the car is less than 8 years old

Registration takes place in the Drivers agenda office (str. 30. dubna 635/35, Ostrava) in person. You will need:

  • Czech residence permit (temporary/long-term/permanent). For more info check Residence permits
  • Mandatory liability insurance (Povinné ručení)
  • Proof of acquiring the vehicle (purchase contract, leasing contract, invoice)
  • Original technical certificate from the country of origin of the vehicle, original check-out ticket and Certificate of conformity (if issued)
  • Technical inspection with State Technical Control (STK) – technical control and measurement of emissions – protocols for an imported car consist of three documents (Technický protokol pro dovoz s přílohou, Protokol před schválením technické způsobilosti, Emisní protokol)
  • Vehicles imported from outside the EU have to go through customs clearance first (check Custom Declaration agency Zelinka)

The registration form can be filled out at the office. You will pay administration fee CZK 800 + Ecological tax (vary from CZK 0 to CZK 10,000).

Cars imported from non-EU countries will also be charged CZK 1,500 if the imported vehicle has a European global approval certificate (CZK 2,000 if not).

How to Change the Owner of a Vehicle Already Registered in the CR?

Registration takes place in the Drivers agenda office (str. 30. dubna 635/35, Ostrava) in person. You need to bring:

  • Czech residence permit (temporary/long-term/permanent). For more info check Residence permits.
  • Vehicle “small and big” technical certificate
  • Mandatory liability insurance (Povinné ručení)
  • Registration inspection from an STK garage (evidenční kontrola)
  • Power of attorney (with notarized signature) from the non-present part is needed, both the new and the original owner need to visit the registry

The registration form can be filled out at the office. You will pay administration fee CZK 800 and you can keep the original licence plate or ask for a new one.

Car Liability Insurance

In the Czech Republic, you are obliged to have your own liability insurance if you own a car. This will cover the expenses if you cause injury or damage to another person while driving your car. These include medical treatment or damage to public/private property.  

Liability insurance sometimes includes assistance services, but it depends on individual contracts. Liability insurance does not cover our own damages or injuries, for this purpose, there is accident insurance

The liability insurance is covered by regular payments and in case of an accident, the insurance company covers the damage or medical treatment to the injured person. The amount of the insurance depends on the technical parameters of the vehicle and the data provided by the insurance company. 

The limit of the coverage is the highest amount that will be paid out by the insurance company in the event of more extensive damage. The minimum amount according to Czech law is CZK 35,000,000, although it is usually higher to cover the damages in mass traffic accidents. 

Get your own car liability insurance: 

Car Accident Insurance

This type of insurance is voluntary and covers your costs in the event of damage to your car or motorcycle. The insurance includes damage caused by an accidentnatural elementsvandalism or theft of your car or its parts. 

Accident insurance can be arranged for any vehicle suitable for driving, the price of insurance will depend on the type of the vehicle and other parameters specific to your vehicle. It is also important to check with your insurance company every year, as the price may decrease depending on the changing value of your car. 

There are also so-called additional insurances, which you can get for extra fees, otherwise they are not part of the accident insurance itself. Those can be assistance services, glass insurance, or providing you with a car that will substitute yours at the time of repair. 

Additional Services

Car rentals

Car sharing provides a flexible and budget-friendly alternative to ownership, saving users money on insurance, maintenance, and other costs while ensuring access to a vehicle whenever needed.

We’ve partnered up with AutoNapůl, a carsharing platform available in all major cities across the Czech Republic. You can use the code SHARINGISCOOL25 to get CZK 500 off your first ride.

Selected car rentals:

Car parts and accessories

Car repairs

Car cleaning/washing

Car bazaars (used cars)


In Ostrava, there is the so-called residential parking system, applied only for the city centre, some areas in Poruba and some housing estates. In real life there can be blue lines on the road signs showing that this is a regulated zone for parking. We will describe how to apply for the residential parking card below.

Parking as a Visitor

You can park anywhere, but not in the marked zones (map). In some areas you can park only 1 hour and you will need to have the blue “parking clock” inside the car (this can be bought in post offices or stationery shops). You can check the free and paid parking zones online map showing the prices. You can also use Park+Ride lots and then change to public transport. Please see the list below:

Parking as a Resident

To obtain residential parking card you have to come in person to the Municipal District Authority of Moravská Ostrava and Přívoz, Dr. Edvarda Beneše 6/555, 729 29 Ostrava and contact the clerk: Renata Jedličková 599442961.

  • R-type Parking Card (Resident) for a person with permanent residence in the area.

You will need: your passport and permanent residence card and a valid vehicle registration certificate (where the parking card applicant is registered as the owner or the operator of the vehicle).

  • A-type Parking Card (Subscription) for a business person or a legal person with the registered seat or premises in the area, or a natural person who owns a property in the area and does not have the domicile/permanent residence in the area.

You will need to prove your business using a valid document, show your passport, extract from the cadastre, and a valid vehicle registration certificate (where the parking card applicant is registered as the owner or operator of the vehicle).

Driving Licence

Czech and EU regulations recognise driving licenses that are in accordance with the “Vienna convention”. If your driving license looks the same as the specimen below you can drive with it right away, provided that it is valid. It may only be comprised of Latin characters. See more below.

Can I Drive With My Foreign Driving Licence?








The photo shows the EU type of Driving Licence. 

You can drive with a foreign driving license in the Czech Republic, if:

  1. The driving license was issued by an EU member state (including EEA member state and Switzerland) or an “EU type” national driving license that meets Czech and EU regulations, and all information is in the Latin alphabet, and thus looks the same as specimen above.
  2. Your national driving licence (not issued by an EU country and looking different to the specimen above), then you need an additional international driving licence document issued by the same country that issued your national driving licence. And you will have to renew it regularly, or apply to Czech driving schools since this DL cannot be changed for “EU type”. Japanese, Korean and SAE driving licences are accepted and drivers do not need an international driving licence.
Replacement of Driving Licence

You can replace your driving licence* if it expired or if it is lost in the Czech Republic. This is possible only if it was issued by an EU country or it meets EU standards (look like the specimen above). You have to visit the Drivers agenda office (ul. 30. dubna 635/35, Ostrava) in person. You will need:

  1. valid ID/passport,
  2. a valid DL issued by a foreign state (in case you wish to replace it),
  3. “affidavit” (in free form) that the applicant has not been banned by another Member State to prohibit driving, that his driving license has not been suspended or withdrawn, and, if the driving license is conditional or restricted, the scope of that condition and limitation,
  4. a document proving the habitual residence of an applicant who does not have a permanent residence in the Czech Republic or studies there for at least 6 months (over 185 days in a calendar year). You will probably need to prove this by confirmation of accommodation, confirmation of employment, by a bank account statement, and/or phone bills for the previous 6 months.

When submitting the application a photograph of the applicant is also provided on the spot, the administration fee is CZK 200 or CZK 700 for express issue within 5 business days.

*If foreign driving license looks different to the specimen above (Vienna convention), you will have to apply for a driving licence in the Czech driving school.

Obligation for non-EU Citizens

The holder of a valid driving license issued by a foreign state (non-EU country), who has a temporary/permanent residence or long-term residence in the Czech Republic for more than 1 year is obliged to apply for its replacement for a Czech driving license within 3 months. You will need:

  1. Czech Residence Card (long-term/temporary/permanent)
  2. a foreign driving license that meets EU standards*, the replacement of which is requested

An application for issuing a driving license may be submitted in person or on one’s behalf on the basis of power of attorney. An application is filled in at the counter at the Drivers Agenda Office ul. 30. dubna 635/35, Ostrava.

*If a foreign driving license looks different to the specimen above (Vienna convention), there is no obligation to exchange it for a Czech one.

Obtaining Driver's License

If you’ve resided in the Czech Republic for at least 6 months (you will need to prove this through a residence permit, an accommodation contract, a work contract, etc.) meet the age requirement 18 (with provisional licensing at 17), and passed a health check at your GP (it is not covered by the health insurance), follow these steps:

  1. Select an accredited driving school (see list below) and send in your application, along with the required documents (a driving school usually helps with the process).
  2. Learn for about 6-8 weeks, with 36 hours of theory and 28 hours of practical training.
  3. Pass two exams, both in Czech: a written one (score 43/50 out of 25 questions) and a practical exam covering traffic laws, first aid, and vehicle maintenance. It’s recommended you get a translator.
  4. Apply for a license at Ostrava City Authority with your passport, residence card, and health certificate.

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