Health insurance

General Information

All incoming internationals who are to stay here for more than 90 days (3 months) must have health insurance in the Czech Republic. There are two types of insurance: public and commercial.

You cannot decide freely which insurance system you belong to, as this is strictly determined by your nationality and/or personal and economical situation. Moreover, you cannot switch between the systems as you wish. Below we introduce both systems, then suggest how to find out more about making the choice, and finally share a few contacts to begin with.

It is good to know that whichever insurance plan you follow it is actually the particular insurance company that has a contract with the actual medical service provider. This means that your health insurance company is the first place for you to find out about doctors and medical services that are available for you and your insurance plan. We also created our own list of English-speaking doctors, see here.

Public Health Insurance

Public Health Insurance is a public service provided by the Czech Government. By following the public health insurance plan one gets very high value for the health care. There are almost no limits for the coverage of medical expenses. If you fulfill all the required conditions, your insurance plan cannot be canceled by the insurance company, also you cannot be turned down if you want to extend your contract. However, the service is not available for all internationals. Some have to choose commercial insurance.

Public health insurance is accessible mainly for the following categories of foreigners:

  • EU citizens and their family members (if certain conditions are met);
  • All foreigners with a permanent residency permit;
  • An employee whose employer has their business registered in the Czech Republic;
  • A child under 18 who has been already issued a long-term residence permit (non-EU), from 1st January 2024;
  • Other selected groups (such as subjects of international protection).

Being a part of Public health insurance does not mean that health insurance is covered by the government, in some cases, you will have to pay minimum monthly payments of CZK 2,808 (2025).

There are 7 Public Insurance Companies:

Commercial Health Insurance

The insurance plans offered by commercial insurance companies may vary. Initially, you may pay less, but it may happen that the coverage is also lower. There is more paperwork for the doctors involved and there might also be cost limits for some medical care.

As “comprehensive health insurance” is compulsory for a more than 90-day-long visa/stay, you must purchase it before your arrival to the Czech Republic.

From the period starting September 20th, 2023, the monopoly on public health insurance from PVZP (Pojišťovna VZP) is over. You can choose the other providers as well, some of them are mentioned below. However, the amount of indemnity is also changed, for one insured accident from EUR 60,000 to EUR 400,000.

That doesn’t apply to foreigners who are covered by the public health insurance, who are possessors of the European or the Global Health Insurance Card (EHIC or GHIC), or whose healthcare is covered by an international contract.

Who belongs to Commercial Health Insurance? Mainly non-EU:

  • Self-employed persons and other entrepreneurs;
  • Economically inactive family members;
  • Students.

Commercial Insurance Companies:

Making the Choice

As has been stated above, you cannot decide freely which insurance system you belong to as this is strictly determined by your nationality and/or personal/economic situation. These are mostly the following: employee/non-employee, EU/non-EU, business person, permanent resident or unemployed.

Moreover, you cannot switch between the systems as you wish. To make life easier for yourself, you may consult the free-of-charge service within our centre to help you find out exactly about your situation and the options you have for your personal situation. Contact us here.


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